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Accounting - the way it should be!

Simple | Effective | Informative.


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Daybooks provides accounting solutions to business owners, charities and individuals using its Daybook solutions. 

Everyday accounting solutions from ready to use spreadsheets to help manage your day to day activities such as receipts and payment recording, business expenses, salary and dividend optimisation to a complete double entry accounting system. Designed the way you want so that you can mange your business your way. Help on hand with all your other regulatory accounting needs too.


Daybooks is a fully functional double entry accounting system in a spreadsheet. It is based on the simplicity of recording daily transactions in a traditional daybook listing fashion. It includes sales and purchase daybooks, two cash books, petty cash and credit card books as well as journals. The source entries are then posted fully to the ledger providing a full transactional database ledger of all the double entry transactions meaning that you have your full accounting records readily available.

Aside from ease of recording afforded by using a spreadsheet other features of Daybooks include:

Record any transaction by any combination of project and organisation codes – as well as the normal accounting code. Date and periods can be used to facilitate monthly reporting.


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Enter any cash book item and if a customer receipt or supplier payment then then mark it as paid in the respective Daybook. Alternatively use the allocation routine to have it directly allocated from the Cash Book against any outstanding sales or purchase invoice. Feature includes auto allocation by date plus the option to run on all unallocated cash book items. Cash books also have a Bank Transfer feature. If you record your transactions by project and org codes and require trial balances by these combinations then there is an automated cash settlement routine to ensure your trial balances will indeed balance. A useful feature for charity accounting.

Email your invoice directly to your customers (requires Microsoft Outlook) as a PDF attachment.

Full customer and supplier records maintained.

Columnar Trial Balance maintained showing daybook, cash book or journal source using control accounts as well as having the Trial Balance extracted from the double entry transactions once posted.

A detailed transactional ledger can be used to provide any analysis. This includes trial balances by project and organisation if required; a must for charity accounting. Whilst freely configurable reporting codes allow you to report on the accounting records in any which way you want - being a spreadsheet solution there simply is no restriction on what you can do - and the data is always yours! Extensive data validation helps ensure both data and control account integrity. Your accounts being based on the double entry principle will give you the confidence of knowing when your accounts are right and how to use the management information gleaned from them to make informed business decisions.

The VAT option enables you to record VAT using the standard accruals method. Submit the VAT Return to HMRC via the inbuilt API. When a VAT Return is submitted a full VAT Account is exported for reference and contains all the information necessary to support the Return. This includes showing the Net, VAT, Gross, Tax Date, VAT rate and where posted to details.

As a one year spreadsheet there is an automated routine to generate a closing ledger of all open item and balances at the year end. This carry forward ledger of balances is then available to the new year spreadsheet. The new year spreadsheet includes optionally copying over all static data such as Accounts, Project, Org, Customer records and Supplier records as well as the opening balances.

Finally accounting the way it should be!



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