Charity accounts can be more onerous than company accounts. This is because all charities have to be able to account for all income received on the basis of whether it is for their general charitable activities or whether it is restricted in nature for a specific purpose. Charities will generally not have separate bank accounts for separate funds therefore have to maintain accurate records to identify bank balances between those that are restricted in nature from those freely available for general purposes. Traditional accounting software does not cater for this need and even the more specialised charities software is found wanting in this area. My software solutions address these issues.
My services covers the preparation of the Receipts and Payments Accounts and Statement of Assets and Liabilities for the smaller charities permitted to use this cash based approach and for all other charities the accruals based accounts fully compliant with current charity law and other applicable legislation. My services also includes assistance with the preparation of the trustees’ report.
Providing I do not provide a bookkeeping service then I can independently examine your Charity accounts. This will be carried out in accordance with the Directions issued by the Charity Commission.