Excel Spreadsheet: Bank Import - Data mapping and transformation

Excel Spreadsheet: Bank Import - Data mapping and transformation



Primarily designed to work with the Daybooks range of accounting software this spreadsheet allows you to take your raw bank comma separated variable (csv) files and map them to another table and transform the data based on user specific and retained rules. The other table could be a cash book itself or an import file to upload into your accounting system. The rules allow you to search for a data string in a source field to determine a value in the destination e.g. if field contains the word “wage” then map across with “Payroll Control” as the nominal account.

The rules are freely configured as are the source and destination tables making it useable for multiple applications. Once your rules are configured you can create a set of accounts from an annual bank csv file in a matter of minutes.

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In the Box: Bank Importer.exe

This product is now being extensively tested and is hoped to be released very soon.

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